Wednesday, February 29, 2012


This is the government store room for the wheelchairs . We had to climb through them to find the ones we wanted for the training sessions. It was a hot job.


Two at a time. They weight about 35 lb. each and he does this will no problem. What a guy!

This is day one with all the technicians and clinicians.

This is Blake from the US training the techs, next to him is one of our translators. French is spoken in Burundi.

The man in blue is a MD named Jeff from the US and the blond is Lara also from the US. They volunteer their time to come and do the training. All four trainers from the US are from Utah.

All you constructions workers, look out, they may have something here.

Did you ever think you could have so much fun learning how to put together a wheelchair to fit a patient exactly. No more to big or too small, but just right.

More techs showing what they can do

Here the clinicians are learning the correct way to move a patient from the chair to another area in the proper way. This will be so valuable to limit injuries while moving your patient. Remember to ask if you can touch them!

The Techs are learning how their patients need to work their new chairs.

You can see Techs come in all sizes and their are boys and girls!!!

They are so proud of what they have learned. Love the smiles.

Look we are almost done with our first chair.

This young girl now has her very first chair. She was so happy and so was her mother.

This is an old trike wheelchair that this man made himself.

Some more proud Techs

I want to race, who is up for it?

This is Elder and Sister Barlow our most awesome Water Specialists

Closing ceremony. Lots of happy recipients. There will be about 250 just like these in the months to come.

This young man loved the TV attention. He wanted to know if a car would be next?

Well, you can see we had a wonderful time with the wheelchair Project.  Lots of tears and very tired feet, but well worth all the work that went into it.  Our deepest thanks to those that gave so freely of their time and talents with the reward for those efforts shown above.  Watch for the next addition about the potential Burundi Water Project.

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